Delaying the Inevitable

3:52 PM / Posted by Mark /

There's the old addage that's plagued beefy ex-football players forced to coach gym for years: those who can't do, teach.

In general, trite sayings aren't my thing, no matter how true they may be. This one I prefer, not because of its power to marginalize teachers I don't like, but because my situation allows me to play spoiler to those who use it indiscriminately.

Majoring in Creative Writing is an exercise in self-motivation. Sure, you can show up to class and talk about how someone else's story had "a really unique feel to it" and how it reminded you of some obscure author, (which all but contradicts your first statement, but no one calls you out because they're afraid you might say "this doesn't really work for me" when you talk about their story next week), and you can pull straight A's, but if you want to get the most out of your education, you have to work on your own time with no one to coax you along or threaten you with the possibility of a failing grade.

That was a tangent. Ignore it.

Back to what I was saying...

As a CW major, the people who teach me are successful in their field. In fact, a select few of them are near the top of their respective disciplines. So, why do they teach if they can do? Because writing literary fiction doesn't earn any money. That could become a problem for me once I graduate, but while I'm in school, I get to receive top-notch instruction from people who are forced to have one foot in academia and one foot in the real world.

The real purpose of this post is to delay studying for a final in a non-major course, with a professor for whom the saying might apply. Sigh.


Anonymous on April 30, 2009 at 8:47 AM

Who needs money? Let's live in cardboard boxes, scribbling furiously as we beg for alms. We can teach the other bums how to write in exchange for food and crack.
Sounds like a career plan to me!

Comment by cb on May 13, 2009 at 9:46 AM

i just had to write a paper about this dilemma! teaching vs. doing, i mean. though it is impractical and very premature, i've been getting excited about grad school lately, too. (two more years of brutal workshopping? bring it on.)

Anonymous on October 21, 2009 at 10:20 AM

Have you fallen off the face of the earth? No blog updates, no creative writing get-togethers...

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